Employee Recognition
Loudoun County Public Schools welcomes you to help us shine a light on the wonderful things happening around the division. Did you have an experience with an LCPS employee who went above and beyond in a situation? Is someone doing something unique or creative that is leading to results? Have you been inspired by a heartwarming story involving a staff member? Whatever your reason, we want you to share your story with us so we can show what makes LCPS a great place to work and learn!
Each month, one submission will be chosen by Loudoun Education Foundation for additional recognition and a wonderful prize valued at $500! We are grateful for our business partners who sponsor our monthly prizes:

Hear heartwarming accounts of staff members changing lives.

A simple change to make practices more efficient? A cost saving measure implemented by a department? A teacher helping students learn in new ways? LCPS staff is leading the way!

These employees found ways to exceed expectations and provide outstanding service on the spot or in unusual circumstances.

It just takes one positive interaction to change your whole day! Read these stories of staff who are making a difference in our division.