Current Student Records Request

Other school divisions requesting records of former LCPS students for the purposes of enrollment should place their request at ScribTransfer. This online ordering system is for other K-12 school divisions only. Please see below for current student records requests.

Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) maintains a cumulative scholastic record for every student enrolled.  The Records Management Office supervises the administration of active and inactive student scholastic records, provides onsite record management training for school staff, archives eligible student records, fulfills requests for records not located in schools, and provides education verification to requesting agencies.

Current Student Records Request

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA gives parents, or students age 18 or older (eligible students), the right to an Inspect and Review Meeting of the student's education records maintained by the school.  LCPS Policy 8630 includes the right to obtain a copy of the records. According to LCPS 4020 Regulation, annually the school division shall provide free of charge one copy of a student’s scholastic record when it is 25 pages or less. Scholastic records in excess of 25 pages may be charged at $0.10 per page beyond the initial 25 pages. All additional copies requested will be charged $0.10 per page for all pages. 

Additional federal and state regulations concerning FERPA requests for students who are identified as children with disabilities and who are receiving special education services state that LCPS shall comply with a request without unnecessary delay and before any meeting regarding an IEP, any hearing in accordance with discipline procedures (8VAC20-81-160) and due process hearings (8VAC20-81-210), or any resolution session in accordance with due process hearings (8VAC20-81-210), and in no case more than 45 calendar days after the request has been made. Parents or eligible students also have the right to a representative during an Inspect and Review Meeting of the records.

To submit a FERPA request:

  • Parents or eligible students who wish to schedule an Inspect and Review Meeting or receive a copy of their student's records, complete the LCPS FERPA Request Form and submit it to the school administrator.

  • Parents or eligible students who wish to release or exchange information from their child's record to a third party such as an attorney or advocate, complete the and LCPS Release/Exchange of Information Form and submit it to the school administrator.

  • An Inspect and Review Meeting may be scheduled with the Principal or designee.

  • Copies may be provided at the meeting, or available within a reasonable amount of time.

FERPA also gives parents and eligible students the right to seek to amend the student's education records. To initiate this process, complete the LCPS Student Record Amendment Form and submit to the school administrator.

More information on records requests through the Virginia Freedom of Information Act can be found here.

Information on former student record requests can be found here.