Student Online Monitoring

Student Online Monitoring and Filtering

Student online monitoring and filtering is accomplished via both the LCPS internet content filtering platform (websites, web searches) and a monitoring service called Gaggle, which monitors, for example, the content of students’ email (Gmail), Google Drive, Google Chat and Office 365 OneDrive.

Internet content filtering is done for all devices on LCPS networks and LCPS-provided student devices on or off the LCPS network – for example, at home.

Illustration of a computer with a padlock icon, warning symbols, and books, representing content monitoring and filtering.

Our primary content filtering goals fall under three main categories:

  1. Safety of students

  2. Security of our network

  3. Compliance (for example, with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and our own Acceptable/Responsible Use Policies.)

  • Gaggle monitoring is done any time a student (grade K-12) logs onto the LCPS G-Suite and O365 domains using their LCPS credentials, regardless of the device or network used.

  • Both platforms utilize multiple methods for filtering and monitoring. Including, but not limited to - databases containing millions of URLs and IP addresses, keywords, and artificial and human intelligence. Keywords that may trigger an alert, include inappropriate search words and for example, references to self-harm or violence. 

  • Our monitoring and filtering is occurring in the “Cloud” supported by our trusted vendors.

  • Monitoring and logging are done in real time.

  • Alerting and reporting happen both in real time and on predetermined schedules.

  • Alerts are identified by severity and are sent to the applicable school administration and LCPS Safety and Security.  Once notified, LCPS staff follows established procedures for conducting assessments and contacting students, parents, and law enforcement if appropriate.

Note:  When circumstances dictate, limited individual modifications can be made to student internet content filtering policies when approved by the applicable school administrators (Principal and/or Assistant Principal).

Content Filter Matrix