4 A's success

Loudoun County Public Schools' athletic & activities programs dynamically support the academic mission of the school system. Our athletic & activities programs provide opportunities for lifelong lessons in the value of teamwork, empathy, work ethic, resilience, and sacrifice for a goal, all within the values of respect and honor. It is the hope that participation in the student activities within LCPS will promote positive attitudes that will empower students to make meaningful contributions to the world.


  1. To promote an atmosphere that allows students to be challenged to develop physical, mental, emotional, and social growth.

  2. To provide a student with the environment to develop their individual skills and potential.

  3. To teach each individual how to function as a member of a team or group, with personal goals and accomplishments being held in high regard but subservient to that of the team or group.

  4. To teach each individual to strive for excellence, but only within the confines of acceptable sportsmanship and conduct.

  5. To enable a community-wide sense of school spirit that is fostered by participation in student activities at each school.

  6. To develop a life-long appreciation of physical fitness, wellness, and empathy.

National studies and research indicate that

  • Participation in athletics and activities promotes citizenship

  • Students involved in activities have higher grade point averages than do nonparticipants

  • Students involved in activities have better attendance records than do nonparticipants

  • Of all students who drop out of school, 96 percent are NOT involved in school activities

  • Participation in school activities is one of the most accurate predictors of success after college 

We encourage students to become involved in their school's athletic & activities program.  

We look forward to working with your students.  

Wild Logo Fall November 7,2023

LCPS Athletics & Activities office is excited to offer an opportunity for students to hone their leadership skills at the annual division-wide student leadership conference: WILD in Loudoun County (We're Intentional about Leadership Development). The day includes a variety of activities designed to strengthen student leadership skills and enable students to more effectively lead their school organizations.  Check back to this space in the fall for information about when the conference will be held and how to register for it.

Student leaders in grades 9–11 are welcome to attend. Seniors are encouraged to apply to present breakout sessions on topics from personal leadership skills to organizational leadership. The Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator at each high school will coordinate registration of 20-40 students representing a diverse spectrum of student leaders and organizations to attend.

Check out images below from the first WILD Student Leadership Conference in March 2023. 

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WILD Student Leadership Conference in March 2023