Diverse Classroom Libraries


Diverse Classroom Libraries K-12

Diverse Additions to Classroom Libraries

In 2019, Loudoun County Public Schools is celebrating its student population with an investment in diverse text collections for all K-5 and High School English Language Arts classrooms. Middle School English Language Arts classrooms were purchased in 2021. In describing the texts the Division of Teaching and Learning, Elementary and Secondary Reading, noted that, “Classroom and school libraries reflect our values and contribute to developing student identities; therefore, our collections must reflect and honor our student population and those around them. Access to books in the home, school, and classroom has a strong correlation with reading proficiency.  Students who read more also have stronger vocabulary, background knowledge, and empathy.”  Classroom libraries complement our robust school libraries.

The diverse classroom libraries were created through the collaboration of LCPS teachers, librarians, administrators, and classroom book collection specialist teams trained to identify culturally responsive and diverse texts in accordance to LCPS School Board Policy 5045 Selection, Review and Challenge of Instructional Resources.  Several criteria were considered including representation, authorship, relevance to students’ lives, authentic voice, and developmental appropriateness. 

Elementary Diverse Book Collections

Middle School Diverse Classroom Libraries

High School Diverse Classroom Libraries