LCPS Partner

Partnering with LCPS

LCPS Partner serves as a vital link between the education sector and local businesses. These partnerships foster collaboration, create opportunities for experiential learning, and contribute to workforce development. By engaging with LCPS, businesses not only support the community but also benefit from access to emerging talent and innovative educational programs. These partnerships are a win-win, strengthening the educational system while driving economic growth in the region.

Volunteering in LCPS

Volunteering at LCPS offers a rewarding opportunity to make a positive impact on our community's educational programs and empower our students. Join our diverse network of volunteers and contribute your time and skills to support our educational programs and the success of our students. With diverse opportunities, a welcoming environment, and a chance to be part of a vibrant educational community, your involvement will enrich both your life and the lives of our students.

The buttons provided below will lead you to dedicated content areas where you can engage in volunteering as a content area expert or career and/or industry liaison 

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