Reviews & Adoptions
Textbook & Digital Resource Review & Adoption
Adoption Guidance
Content Area Adoption History & Schedule (subject to change)
Subject Area(s) | Review School Year | Implementation | Duration |
Math | 17-18 | Fall 18 | 6 years |
Social Science & Global Studies | 18-19 | Fall 19 | 7 years |
English/Language Arts | 19-20 | Fall 20 | 7 years |
Science | 20-21 | Fall 21 | 7 years |
World Languages & Cultures | 21-22 | Fall 22 | 7 years |
CTE Phase One | 22-23 | Fall 23 | 7 years |
| 23-24 | Fall 24 | up to |
Mathematics & English 6-8 | 24-25 | Fall 25 | up to |
Social Science & Global Studies | 25-26 | Fall 26 | up to |
English/Language Arts | 26-27 | Fall 27 | up to |
Timelines for Current/Approaching Subject Adoptions
Mathematics K-12 resources being reviewed in Spring 25
English 6-8 resources being reviewed in Spring 25
School board Info and Action items will occur in late March and late April