Safe Routes to School (SRTS)


LCPS’s Safe Routes to School program aims to make it safer for students to walk, roll, and bike to school and encourage more active transportation where safety is not a barrier.

We recognize the value of having a chance to try something new—like walking to school!—and have seen how events, such as Walk & Roll to School Day or Bike & Roll to School Day, can bring students, parents & communities together.

Walking is one of the simplest, most effective, and most affordable strategies for kids and adults to build physical activity into their lives. One mile of walking translates to 2/3 of the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

The benefits of active transportation extend beyond health. Studies show that there are links between physical activity and academic achievement; proving that active kids do better.

Walk & Roll to School Day

Walk & Roll to School Day is an annual event that involves communities from across the country (and globe!) walking and rolling to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Today, thousands of schools across America—from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico—participate every October. Over time, this celebration has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school. Join the movement! 

Upcoming Walk/Roll to School Day events: October 9, 2024

To register, contact your Safe Routes to School Coordinators Email Janice Jennings and Email Kelly Smit or visit the Walk, Bike & Roll to School website.

Bike to School Day

The first-ever national Bike & Roll to School Day took place on May 9, 2012, in coordination with the League of American Bicyclists’ National Bike Month. Today, thousands of schools across America—from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico—participate every May to encourage children to safely walk, bike or roll to school. Join the movement!

Upcoming Bike to School Day events: May 8, 2024.

To register, contact your Safe Routes to School Coordinators, Janice Jennings  and Kelly Smit or visit the Walk, Bike & Roll to School website.  

Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

Crossing Guard Appreciation Day (CGAD) is a statewide event devoted to saying thank you to those who help students cross the street safely on their way to and from school. CGAD has been celebrated in Virginia since 2014.  Virginia has designated the 2nd Wednesday in February as Crossing Guard Appreciation Day. February 12, 2025 is our next event. Let's show our crossing guards how much we value them!  

How can my school participate in Crossing Guard Appreciation Day?

Your community can also nominate your crossing guard for Virginia's Most Outstanding Crossing Guard Award. Crossing guards are honored by VDOT every year for their dedication to student safety. All nominees are sent letters of appreciation.  Winners are sent a certificate and a small gift. Contact your Safe Routes to School Coordinator for more information on nominating your school's crossing guard. 

Congratulations to our 2023 VA Crossing Guards of the Year Winners!

Dave Becker at Emerick Elementary & Blue Ridge Middle School & Courtney Markowski at Round Hill Elementary School!

Congratulations to our 2022 VA Crossing Guards of the Year Winners!

Dina Perry at Belmont Station Elementary School & Stephen Rollins at Seldens Landing Elementary School!

Bike Rodeos

A bike rodeo is an obstacle course designed to help kids learn bike safety skills. You will need a large, flat space (e.g. a parking lot, tennis court, or blacktop) where you can set up different stations to test maneuvering skills such as stop/starting, turning, balancing, etc.  Your Safe Routes to School Coordinators can help you set up a bike rodeo at your school and provide a helmet, fit station including free HELMETS for children that need one courtesy of the Loudoun Pediatric Obesity Council (LPOC).  Interested in having a bike rodeo at your school?  Contact Email Janice Jennings and Email Kelly Smit for information.

Bike Donation Program

The LCPS Bike Donation Program is a collaborative effort with Maverick Bike Café, Doug Landau Law Office, Bike Loudoun and LCPS.  The program is active between September and February each year.  The goal is to supply bikes to students in need, particularly in our Title I schools but is available to all LCPS schools that have students in need.  Students will receive a bike, helmet, lock and light along with safety information.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Email Janice JenningsEmail Donna Torraca, or Email Kelly Smit.

Pedestrian Safety Program


Congestion Must Go

LCPS Campaign to Reduce Road Congestion

Congestion Must Go!

Traffic congestion has increased steadily over the years and is a major issue in Loudoun County; it comes as no surprise that congestion around Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) facilities has also increased. 

To help alleviate this problem, LCPS has launched a “Congestion Must Go” campaign, focused on minimizing traffic congestion in and around school campuses, surrounding road networks and neighboring communities.  The goal of the “Congestion Must Go” campaign is to actively promote bus ridership, walking, biking and carpooling, while increasing student safety.

CMG Winter 2023 Newsletter 

CMG/SRTS Spring 2024 Newsletter