Loudoun County Public Schools science programs are designed to actively engage students in the process of science and use reasoning processes that build scientific thinking. These programs teach students to know, use, and interpret scientific explanations of the natural world; to generate and evaluate scientific evidence and explanations; to understand the nature and development of scientific knowledge; and to participate productively in scientific practices and discourse.
Elementary - focuses on providing active, inquiry-based, and student-centered science experiences for students. Science instruction in elementary grades emphasizes building student skills, making observations, learning about scientific investigation, and developing scientific habits of mind. Students are presented with authentic scientific questions to answer.
Middle School - continues to provide active, inquiry-based, and student-centered science experiences for students. Science instruction in middle schools is built around the framework of the LCPS Core Experiences (CEs), which are scientific investigations carried out by every middle school student. The CEs are aligned to the Virginia Standards of Learning, emphasize building student conceptual understanding and understandings of scientific practice, develop scientific habits of mind and scientific skills, and give students experiences with authentic scientific equipment.
High School - offerings are designed to prepare students for continued academic study and eventual entry into the workforce. A variety of courses in the different science disciplines are offered to students. Many students participate in science research through their honors courses, Independent Science Research, and by participating in the LCPS Regional Science & Engineering Fair. Rising 9th grade students are also offered the opportunity to enter the Academy of Science, the LCPS science magnet program.

Darielle Timothy, Supervisor
Tracy Matthews, Secondary Specialist
David Hitchcock, Elementary Specialist
21000 Education Court, Suite 518
Ashburn, VA 20148
Phone (571) 252-1360
Fax (571) 252-1633