Social Science & Global Studies

Danyael Graham, Supervisor
Christiana McCormick, Specialist
Morgan Smith, Specialist
PH: 571-252-1370
FX: 571-252-1633
The goal of the Social Science and Global Studies Program is to help young people make meaningful contributions to the world by developing the ability to collaborate and communicate in making informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a diverse, democratic society in an interdependent ever-changing world. To achieve this end, the Social Science and Global Studies offers an interdisciplinary study of citizenship and government, economics, geography and history as well as electives that span both the humanities and social sciences.
Student Resources Online from Adopted Textbooks
Grade | Course | Textbook | Publisher |
Kindergarten | "Me and My Community" Curriculum | Our Community: Life in Virginia | Five Ponds Press |
First Grade | "Me and My Community" Curriculum | Our State: Virginia Then and Now | Five Ponds Press |
Second Grade | "Me and My Community" Curriculum | Our United States: Our Lives, Our Lands, Our Legends | Five Ponds Press |
Third Grade | "Me and My Community" Curriculum | Ancient World Cultures: Their Lives, Lands and Legends | Five Ponds Press |
Fourth Grade | Virginia Studies | Our Virginia: Past & Present | Five Ponds Press |
Fifth Grade | Regions of the United States | My World Interactive - United States Regions | Pearson |
6th Grade | U.S. History I | US History Beginnings to 1865 | Pearson |
7th Grade | U.S. History II | US History Civil War to the Present | HMH |
8th Grade | U.S. Civics & Economics | Building Citizenship, Civics and Economics | McGraw hill |
9th Grade | World History I | National Geographic: Great Civilizations | Cengage |
9th Grade | Intro. to AP World History | National Geographic: Great Civilizations | Cengage |
10th Grade | World History II | World History and Geography: Modern Times | McGraw Hill |
10th Grade | AP World History | Traditions & Encounters | McGraw Hill |
11th Grade | United States and Virginia History | Virginia & United States History | Pearson |
11th Grade | AP/ DE US History | Give Me Liberty | Norton |
12th Grade | United States and Virginia Government | United States Government: Our Democracy | McGraw Hill |
12th Grade | AP/ DE Government | American Government: Stories of a Nation | MacMillan |
Economics | Semester Economics | Understanding Economics | McGraw Hill |
Elective | AP Economics | Principles of Economics | Cengage |
Elective | World Geography | National Geographic: World Cultures and Geography | Cengage |
Elective | AP Human Geography | Mastering Geography: The Cultural Landscape | Pearson |
Elective | Semester Psychology | Understanding Psychology | McGraw Hill |
Elective | AP Psychology | Psychology for the AP Course | MacMillan |
Elective | World Religions | Digital Curriculum | LCPS |
Elective | World of Ideas | Introducing Philosophy Through Pop Culture | Wiley |
Elective | Global Social issues | Choices Program | Brown University |
Elective | Modern International Relations | Choices Program | Brown University |