VBODA - District 16

This website has been prepared for the 2023-2024 school year.  


VBODA is the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association, an affiliate of the Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) and of the National Association for Music Educators (NAfME). The purpose of these groups is to further the music education of all students, while offering enrichment opportunities to students in all genres of music education.  More information about each group can be seen at their respective websites:


All students must be enrolled in their school and be regular performing members of their school band or orchestra at the time of the event to be eligible to participate.  The director of that ensemble must register them. In order to be able to register students, the director must be a member of NAfME and VBODA.


District Chair:  Jasmeen Miller  Click here to email Mrs. Miller

All questions about rules and eligibility for events need to be directed to the District Chair if your band/orchestra director does not know the answer.  The District Chair is the final word on all questions for District Events per VBODA and VMEA policy.

Webmaster:  Brian Morton     Click here to e-mail Mr. Morton

Loudoun Music Supervisor:  Michael Pierson    Click here to e-mail Mr. Pierson

Loudoun Music Specialist:    Elaine Stanford     Click here to e-mail Mrs. Stanford

For more information on specific events, click on the tabs to the left. 

Check Back often for updates as weather moves in.