Day Care providers in Leesburg
The following is a list day care providers that are currently being used by FHR parents.
FHR does not endorse any of these facilities, but offers this list merely as a service to parents
Christ Community Church and School 571-223-6736 | 818 South King St. Leesburg, VA |
703-777-7744 | 6 Cardinal Park Dr Leesburg, VA |
703-777-1998 | 60 Plaza St. NE Leesburg, VA |
703-723-9717 | 19455 Deerfield Ave. #101 Landsdowne, VA |
703-777-0052 | 301 Wildflower Te. Leesburg, VA |
571-333-5444 | 18792 Upper Meadow Dr. Lansdowne, VA |
703-443-6766 | 601 Tavistock Dr Leesburg, VA |
703-443-7772 | 645 Potomac Station Dr., NE Leesburg, VA |
703-777-1000 | 9 Cardinal Park Dr. Leesburg, VA |
703-737-6770 | 510 Fort Evans Rd Leesburg, VA |