
Welcome to the music program at Frances Hazel Reid Elementary. Each student in grades K-5 has two 30 minute music classes during the week.  Students actively participate in music class by listening with a purpose, singing, playing instruments, engaging in movement, and creating/writing music.  

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We are so excited to be partnering with our PTA for 4th/5th grade chorus this year! Allowing us to be a part of the after school program will give us more time each day in chorus and funds to buy shirts, music, and other supplies to support our chorus program.

Registration is Sept. 5th-12th.

There is a $50 registration fee ($5 per session)

There will be a Tuesday afterschool group and a Wednesday afterschool group. Choose the one that works best for your family's schedule.

Chorus will be from 2:45-3:45.

Chorus begins the last week of September.

Percussion Ensemble (also 4th/5th grade only) will meet Thursday mornings from 7:15-7:45.

Auditions will be held the week of Labor Day.
There is a 20 person limit.
See Mrs. Baker for more details.