Physical Education
First Grade
Each student will recognize and demonstrate exercises that increase heart rate, stretch and strengthen muscles.
The students will explore movements that include locomotor skills, body shapes and balance while moving through space.
The students will demonstrate rhythmic activities and simple dance patterns.
The students will perform animal movements, walk on a balance beam, and demonstrate rolling movements.
Each student will participate in low organizational games.
Each student will learn to demonstrate sportsmanship and fair play.
Second Grade
Each student will recognize what causes an increase in heart rate.
Each student will learn and perform exercises that strengthen and stretch muscles.
Each student will learn to work with a partner or in a group to move in patterns involving locomotor skills.
The students will engage in creating simple dance patterns and movement in a rhythmical beat.
The students will safely perform animal walks, stunts, and tumbling skills.
Each student will exhibit good sportsmanship and fair play.
The students will learn to play activities in small and large groups
Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades
Each student will demonstrate cardio respiratory endurance and a proficiency in the area of fitness and exercise.
The students will perform movements to beats, traditional dance steps, and create a dance with various speeds and directions.
The students will perform and create a variety of gymnastic movements and tumbling stunts.
Each student will exhibit good sportsmanship and fair play.
The students will learn a variety of game skills in soccer, basketball, volleyball, football and softball.uring a nine week period, it may affect their grades.
Physical Education Rules
a. Shoes must be appropriate for Physical Education class.
b. Shoes must tie, buckle, Velcro or have elastic to stay on the student’s feet.
c. Tennis shoes or soft sole shoes are appropriate.
d. Sandals, Jelly shoes, Boots, and Dress shoes are not suitable for Physical Education.
e. If non-suitable Physical Education shoes must be worn to school, then bring suitable
shoes to be able to participate.
Shoelaces must be in shoes always and tied during class.
Shoes without backs are not appropriate Physical Education shoes.
A written excuse is needed to miss Physical Education class. If more than one week is to be missed than a doctor's note is required.
Loudoun County rules states if Physical Education class is missed because of a parent oR doctor's excuse, the student cannot participate in recess.
Please make sure you have signed and completed your child’s health check form and return it to your child's teacher.
If a student doesn't wear appropriate shoes during Physical Education four times during a nine week period, it may affect their grades.
Periodically check the website for any changes for announcements in Physical Education.
Focused Fitness
Focused Fitness
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b. Password: student's last name
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