Hillside Needs Network

Hillside Elementary School’s Needs Network supports our community’s students. With your help, our students can be the best students they can be by providing necessary resources.

If you need of assistance, please send an email to Parent Liaison Anjeanette Crabb.

If you would like to provide help from time to time, please contact our Parent Liaison to learn how you can support our friends and community.

Throughout the year, some of our students may need school supplies or coats or shoes, for example. For some families, this could be a heavy burden. But with a large group of school family volunteers, small contributions made as-needed can make a huge difference! By helping provide needed supplies and/or clothing, you can help make learning a much easier and rewarding experience for our students.

All Needs Network volunteers and contributors will remain anonymous. Thank you for making this possible!

If you have any questions about the Needs Network, please feel free to contact our Parent Liaison Anjeanette Crabb at 571-252-2170.