Retirees and/or dependents who are Medicare-eligible will be enrolled in the Cigna True Choice Core Medicare (PPO) plan. This is a Medicare Advantage Plan administered by Cigna. Retirees on this plan should utilize providers that accept Medicare assignment and are willing to bill the Cigna Medicare Advantage Plan.
Medicare eligibility begins for a retiree or dependent when they turn 65 or at such time they become eligible due to Social Security disability. It is the retiree's responsibility to apply for Medicare and submit a copy of the Medicare card showing enrollment in Parts A & B to Employee Benefits. Medicare recommends starting the enrollment process for Parts A & B three months prior to the Medicare eligibility start date or loss of active coverage. Visit website for additional information about applying for Medicare.
LCPS retiree health insurance is bundled and includes medical, prescription, dental and vision coverage along with a Wellness benefit. Each plan has it's own ID card. The plans are as follows:
Cigna True Choice Core Medicare (PPO) Medicare Advantage Plan
Cigna Rx Medicare Prescription Plan
Delta Dental
Cigna Vision (EyeMed Network)
Cigna Wellness Benefit
Find benefit plan summaries, forms and vendor contact information by clicking on the topics below.
Have an address update?
We will update your address with Cigna (Medical, Rx and Vision) and Delta Dental!
Complete an LCPS Retiree Address Change form or call us at 571-252-1810.
You will also need to update your address with VRS.
Need a VRS form?
VRS-45 (Health Insurance Credit) - To provide your health insurance premiums to VRS for VRS Health Insurance Credit. Return to VRS.
NEW - You can now update VRS with premium changes online, through your myVRS account at website.
VRS-78 (Authorization to Deduct Insurance Premiums) - To request your health insurance premiums be deducted from your VRS pension payment. Return to Employee Benefits for approval
Need to speak to Virginia Retirement System (VRS)?
Call 1-888-827-3847 or visit their website.
Need to Cancel or Make a Change?
If you need to remove a dependent from coverage, cancel your coverage, make an Open Enrollment plan change (POS and OAP only) or if you've become eligible for Medicare, complete the following form and submit it to Employee Benefits.