HeadingLCPS Annual Awards: New Teacher of the Year, Operational Awards, Instructional Awards

Each year, HRTD seeks to honor and celebrate the dedication and achievements of LCPS employees.  We are proud to announce the expansion of our annual awards with new categories in an effort to recognize the contributions of all employees.  These awards are now grouped into two award divisions:  Operational and Instructional.  

In the Instructional Awards group, recognition is given to the following:  Teacher of the Year, Principal of the Year, New Teacher of the Year, Substitute of the Year, Professional Employee of the Year, Administrative Support Employee of the Year, Instructional Support Employee of the Year, Student Services Support Employee of the Year.   A full list of job titles eligible in each category can be found here.

In the Operational Awards group, recognition is given to the following:  Bus Attendant of the Year, Bus Driver of the Year, Custodial Employee of the Year, School Nutrition Services Employee of the Year, Information Technology Employee of the Year, Maintenance Employee of the Year, Safety Employee of the Year, Support Staff Employee of the Year.  A full list of job titles eligible in each category can be found here

Nominations for the 2023-2024 school year are now closed.  Winners will be selected in April and honored at May school board meetings.

*Awards shown in red are new categories for the 2023-2024 school year. 

During the 2022-2023 school year, over 250 nominations were received for staff members in the following categories: Custodial, Bus Driver, Bus attendant, School Nutrition Services, Safety, Information Technology, and Maintenance.  

Congratulations to our 2023 winners:  Bus Attendant- Sunny Yi, Bus driver- Bosede "Grace" Ajila, Custodial Services- Derek Summers, School Nutrition Services- Alexandra Adams, Information Technology- Randy White, Maintenance- Jeffrey Myers, Safety- Aaron Carter.

In addition, HRTD supported the Outstanding Substitute of the Year program. These substitutes were honored for continuously demonstrating responsibility, reliability, and flexibility.  These winners have gone above and beyond to inspire students in our schools and to serve as positive role models.

The 2023 Outstanding Substitutes of the Year were:  Kristen Procaccino, nominated by Lovettsville ES; Najma Aden, nominated by Steuart Weller ES; Elham Ali, nominated by Farmwell Station MS; and Janet Endres, nominated by Potomac Falls HS.