Steps to Become a Substitute

Important Information About Applying to Become a Substitute

Once your application has been submitted, you will only be able to update your profile information, so please review your application carefully before submitting it. This includes the following:

A complete and accurate listing of your employment history. You are advised to be thorough with your employment history. A resume should be attached if the employment history is more extensive than the fields provided.

Please add a minimum of TWO professional references, including your current or most recent supervisor. Professional references should include individuals unrelated to you who can respond to questions related to your job performance. LCPS will primarily contact your professional references via email. Applications are not considered complete until at least two professional references have been returned. At least one reference must be from the most recent principal, supervisor, cooperating teacher, or employer. If you have been self-employed, consider clients, customers or managers. The other reference must be from individuals qualified to attest to your work performance. Supervisors, coworkers, cooperating teachers, and professors are examples of appropriate professional references. A friend is not considered a professional reference unless that friend is your coworker. If you have not been employed, consider those who have seen your work in a volunteer capacity. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide valid e-mail addresses and to follow up on the receipt of professional references. If you have a question about references, please contact the SubCentral Office. Applicants who do not provide appropriate references will not be considered for employment.

Retired Employees: On behalf of LCPS, we want to thank our retired employees for their years of service. We value your experience and expertise and would love for you to consider becoming a substitute. To work as a substitute, retirees must have a bona fide break in service for at least one full calendar month from the retirement date. Periods of leave with or without pay, including educational leave, sabbaticals, and intersession periods, do not count toward satisfying the bona fide break in service. If you are a nine-, 10- or 11-month contracted employee, summer breaks also do not satisfy this break. Therefore, after completing the 30-day separation, you will need to apply for the substitute position and complete the full hiring and onboarding process. Depending on your previous employment, you may be exempt from completing the STEDI Assessment in the hiring process.

Current Employees Interested in Becoming a Substitute: If you are a current Part-Time LCPS employee, before being cleared to substitute, you will first need to apply for our open substitute job posting. Please apply to the job posting that is for CURRENT EMPLOYEES ONLY. We will complete a reference check with your current supervisor. Depending on your current role, you may be asked to complete the STEDI Assessment and Mandatory Training. All other onboarding tasks will be waived. If you are a current full-time employee, you will need to complete this paper VSF and indicate in the form your interest in becoming a substitute. DO NOT complete the VSF in Oracle. You will then need to formally apply for the substitute vacancy through TalentEd. We will complete a reference check with your current supervisor. This process must occur PRIOR to your separation date. You may be asked to complete the STEDI Assessment before beginning as a substitute but will be exempt from all other onboarding tasks. If this process is not completed prior to your separation date, you will be required to complete the full onboarding process.