School Nutrition Services Director

Elizabeth B. Mills

Office: 540-751-2675

Direct: 703-936-1143

Operations Coordinators

Greg Holmes

Office: 540-751-2674

Direct: 571-498-2386

Elizabeth Frimpong

Office: 540-751-2672

Direct: 571-498-2375

Who to Contact in SNS In Case of an Emergency

To minimize disruption to meal service during an emergency, it is recommended that school principals immediately notify the School Nutrition Services Director or Operations Coordinators with the following information:

1. The nature and type of the emergency.

2. The scope of the emergency - what area(s) of the school are impacted (e.g., classrooms, kitchen, cafeteria, etc.)

3. If possible, any recommended approaches for providing meals to students (e.g., pre-packaged meals, mobile distribution, alternate service locations etc.).

Once the SNS Director or Operations Coordinators are notified of an incident, the following steps will be taken:

1.  Immediate Notification of the SNS Specialist: The SNS Specialist assigned to the impacted school will be promptly informed and will begin working closely with the School Nutrition Manager to develop an updated meal service plan.

2.Ongoing Communication and Plan Revisions: Continuous communication will be maintained between the SNS Specialist, School Nutrition Manager, Operations Coordinator, Director, and Principal to assess the situation and make any necessary adjustments to the meal service plan to ensure it meets the needs of the school community.

 3. Activation of the SNS Collaborative Emergency Response Plan: If the emergency disrupts the ability to prepare or distribute meals at the affected school, SNS Collaborative Emergency Response Plan will be followed. This plan includes identifying a neighboring school to provide backup food and beverages, ensuring that meal service continues without interruption.