
Fall MAP Achievement

This dashboard provides an overview of a school's MAP Achievement scores.  Data may be filtered by School Level, School, Grade, EL status and IEP status.

Data is a snapshot of Fall Achievement Percentile scores and allows for comparison between schools and the overall division.


  • MAP is a computer adaptive test for Reading and Math that is administered in the Fall, Winter, and Spring of each school year in LCPS. If a student answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier.  This type of assessment challenges top performers without overwhelming students whose skills are below grade level.

  • MAP provides achievement data that indicates academic readiness  for one point in time. MAP also provides growth data that shows progress between two points in time. This report provides achievement or readiness data for LCPS students for the Fall of 2023.

  • The achievement percentile is a normative statistic that indicates how well a student or students performed in comparison to similar students in the norm group. It compares students in the same grade and time of the school year, expressed as weeks of instruction before testing.

  • For example, a student with an achievement percentile rank of 72 scored as well as or better than 72% of comparable students in the norm group.