Dr. Linda Deans is a retired educator who relocated to the Broad Run District of Loudoun County to remain close to her daughters and their families. She has over 40 years of experience in educational services within multiple venues and in both public and private facilities. Dr. Deans has provided this service in partnership with her husband of 54 years, maintaining a commitment to students at all levels of the education/community continuums.
She is retired from the states of Virginia and North Carolina, as well as from the city of Hampton, Virginia; however, she has never retired from her passion for children in all learning spaces. She has demonstrated this passion as a life-long student as well as serving over the years as a classroom teacher, counselor, dean of girls, assistant principal, principal, director of alternative programs, appointed board member, school-court liaison, pupil accountability officer, adjunct college professor, education consultant, and more. Deans is the recipient of the North Carolina Governor’s Award of Excellence.
Deans currently holds the following Virginia licenses: division superintendent, assistant superintendent for instruction, biology, director of instruction, general supervisor, secondary school counselor and secondary school principal. Additionally, she holds a degree in theology and has recently been elevated to the service of “elder” in her spiritual organization.
Linda brings her personal mantra to her service of Loudoun County Public Schools: Beating the Odds by Achieving Beyond Expectations… in all aspects of her life.
School Board Information

Phone Contact: 571-252-2411
Term of Office: Dr. Deans was elected to the School Board in 2023; her term of office will expire on December 31, 2025.
Committee Assignments: Dr. Deans chairs the Equity Committee and serves on the Curriculum & Instruction Committee and the Student Behavior & Accountability Committee.
Dr. Linda Deans Newsletters and Citizen Communication