Free & Reduced

Meal Applications

Meal Applications for the school year 2024-2025 to Print

Please submit only the completed application to Free and Reduced Email  


Answers to Common Application Questions

Other Possible Benefits:

Click here to learn about other possible benefits that may be available to you.

**School Nutrition Services does not oversee these extra benefits; program participation in reduced fee/ waivers are subject to change **

 For information on the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and low-cost internet program, see notice here:

To Apply for Free/Reduced Meal for the 2024-2025 school year:

If your family receives federal benefits: SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid* (*Medicaid needs to be approved based on household income), you may not need to apply. The guardian listed at the school as the primary contact may receive an eligibility letter or approval letter confirming it.

Do not apply if you received a Direct Certification letter/email from us for 2024-2025 for all your children.

Picture link LC logo

On Line Applications are available!!! click here to apply. For further questions, please contact

Different languages are available (to find these, please click on the lines located on the left side of the homepage)

Applying online is FASTER and SAFER than a paper application

An eligible family can save over $950/child during the school year. 

If you applied for our free and reduced meal program, you will receive an email response From: Titan School Solutions Subject: Eligibility letter. If you don’t receive an email response within 3 business days, please check your spam/junk email folder. If it’s not in your spam/junk email folder, please send an email to LCPS Free and Reduced Email.

Do not apply if you already received an Eligibilitty letter/email from us for 2024-2025 for all your children

Loudoun County Public Schools follows Federal and State regulations when administering the Free and Reduced Meal Program. Children from households that meet Federal Income Guidelines are eligible for either reduced prices or free meals. Eligibility under this program applies to both breakfast and lunch. 

***Approval of application does not remove any charges that are already on your child's account. *** Please pay this balance amount to your student’s school cafeteria via cash or check (payable to the County of Loudoun) or by logging into your student’s meal account, LINQ Connect (before TITAN Family Portal), at your earliest convenience.

Free and Reduced Meals

Students eligible for free or reduced meals can receive a free Breakfast Meal and a Lunch Meal a Day. Extra items or A La Carte items (cookies, icecream, chips, 2nd entree) are not included in the meal benefits. 

Lunch Meal means that students need to receive a complete meal to be free. **Lunch has to include Fruit or Veggies; it is a USDA Regulation.** Refer to image left

  • Components of the meal:  Grain + Protein+ Fruit + Vegetable + Milk

  • ***** All entrees contain: Grain + Protein -> so students need to get one more component; it has to be Fruit or Vegetable -> required by the USDA

  • If the student wants to get only one component or two, the student will pay the full price of the item(s)

We do not supervise the distribution of P-EBT cards.

If you have questions regarding this benefits issuance, call 866-513-1414 or 804-294-1633 Monday - Friday between 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

meal components in detail

Program Statistics

Why apply for Free and Reduced Meals?

For further information on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits available, please see attached handouts and apply below! 

Free and Reduced Meal Application FAQs