Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

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 The primary role of the LCPS Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is to advise the School Board on unmet needs of special education students. SEAC is composed of 21 members who are parents and at least one educator who volunteer their time to our community. They are appointed for two-year terms by the School Board through an application and recommendation process. The executive committee of SEAC is elected by its 21-person membership to lead the work of SEAC throughout the year.  SEAC also requests that a PTA/PTO Representative for each LCPS school be appointed each year to attend meetings, participate in discussions, and report back to the school on matters that affect special education.

SEAC has a very important role in working with the School Board, Administrators, Parents and Teachers who are responsible for students receiving special education services to study and help identify unmet needs in LCPS special education and make recommendations to address those needs. SEAC focuses on the needs of the entire special education community and therefore, seeks to identify themes and trends, rather than focus on individual issues. Individual matters are best addressed directly with teachers, the school’s administration, the special education supervisor and/or special education director for LCPS. Certainly, individual experiences may be an indicator that wider systemic issues exist, and it is the role of SEAC to help determine where anecdotal situations are indicative of a larger unmet need in the school system.  As such, please be mindful to protect confidentiality when discussing your experiences through the public comment process or in other public forums, as we wish to respect students, families, educators and unique circumstances. 

The functions of the local advisory committee shall be as follows: a. Advise the local school division of needs in the education of children with disabilities; b. Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities; c. Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities to the division superintendent for transmission to the local school board; d. Assist the local school division in interpreting plans to the community for meeting the special needs of children with disabilities for educational services; e. Review the policies and procedures for the provision of special education and related services prior to submission to the local school board; and f. Participate in the review of the local school division’s annual plan, as outlined in subdivision B2 of this section. (8VAC20-81-230 D) 

We welcome and encourage parents, students, teachers, administrators, staff and others interested in special education in LCPS to attend our monthly meetings. Specific annual meetings dates and topics for panel discussions are available on this website. Please contact the Chair of SEAC at SEACChair@lcps.org with any questions. Contact information for all SEAC Officers is available on this site.

Follow Loudoun SEAC on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/loudounseac

Follow Loudoun SEAC on Twitter https://twitter.com/loudounseac

SEAC has focused on Research-Based Initiatives and Instructional Offerings for Students with Special Needs; Staff Development Opportunities for All Staff; Reading Approaches and Alternatives for Students with Special Needs. The SEAC continues to focus on the education for students who are Gifted and Talented as well as Special Education and on the impact of the No Child Left Behind regulations on providing services to students with disabilities.

Special Education Resources for Parents

SEAC Previous Meetings