Special Education Information
Parents play an important role in the education of their children. This is especially true for children who have disabilities or are at risk of having disabilties. As a parent of a child with a disability or a suspected disability, you should work together with school staff to ensure an appropriate education for your child. In fact, the law requires that parents and school staff work together. This section of the Parent Resource Services website highlights information, laws, procedures, and resources which will help you to partner with school staff.
The Special Education Process
LCPS Eligibility Coordinators supervise the Child Study Committee, Eligibility, and Reevaluation processes for the school system and consult with school staff at every school. Coordinators chair Eligibility Committee meetings for children ages 2 through 22 who are referred through the Special Education and Section 504 eligibility processes. Eligibility meetings are held to determine whether or not children qualify for special education services. Coordinators facilitate the determination of a disabling condition under IDEA 2004 or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by working with a team of administrators, teachers, related service staff, diagnosticians, and parents. Coordinators also conduct ongoing training for administrators and school staff as well as provide support through individual school and county-wide in-service trainings.
If you have concerns regarding your child's educational performance, please contact your child's school. Talk with your child's teacher(s) about any concerns that you may have. If needed, request an IEP Meeting to discuss your concerns with the IEP team if your child is already receiving special education services.
If you have concerns regarding your preschool aged child's development (ages 2 through 5), please contact Loudoun County Public Schools' Child Find Center at 571-252-2180 to schedule a free developmental screening.
Each step of the Special Education Process is specific and must be followed in the correct order. The graphic above, provided by the the Virginia Department of Education, provides a visual overview of the special education process. Linked below are additional resources regarding process timelines and procedures.