Technical Instructions for Virtual Public Comment for School Board Meetings
Registration opens two days prior and closes at noon on the meeting day. Navigate to LCPS Events and select the meeting.
Click on the “Citizen Participation webpage” under the “PUBLIC COMMENT PROCEDURES” section.
Click on the link to register for Virtual Public Comment.
A pop-up registration page will open from WebEx with the title of the meeting. Click on “Register.”
A registration form will appear starting with your name. Complete the form and click "Register" to submit it. You will receive a pop-up on the screen and an e-mail to confirm that LCPS received your request.
Joining a Meeting
After completing the registration process, you will receive an automated e-mail confirming your request to speak. You will then receive a second email once your registration has been approved. This email will contain the link to join the meeting. Both emails will come from
On the evening of the meeting, open the second email and click on the green box that says, “Join Webinar.”
A WebEx meeting window will open. In the lower right corner, you will see another green box that says, “Join Webinar.” Click on that link. Note: You will see that your microphone is muted, and there isn’t an option to turn on your camera, chat, or raise your hand.
The Webex session is connected and available by 4 PM. Logging in and testing before public comment starts in the evening is recommended.
You will hear your name called when it’s your turn to speak. Soon after your name is spoken, you will hear an audible tone and see that your microphone has been unmuted, informing you that it’s your turn to speak. You will be muted when your time expires.
Troubleshooting Tips
Didn’t get an email? Check your spam folder. The sending email is
Self-test: Before the meeting, test your system for compatibility with WebEx
Have a reliable internet connection. Wired computers are best; wireless and cell phones are less reliable depending on coverage. Personal device configuration and connectivity are the responsibility of the virtual public commenter.
Meeting hosts will handle all muting/unmuting.