List of Smart Snack Compliant Foods and Beverages
What is Fundraising?
Fundraiser means a school-sponsored activity where food or nonfood items are sold on the school campus during regular school hours by a school-sponsored organization to raise money for a school-related program or activity.
How many exempt fundraisers per school year?

Example: You can have multiple fundraisers per day but no more than 30 days. Example: Music, Debate, and Dance clubs could all have activities on the same day and count as one day out of your 30. Each club having its fundraisers on a different day will be three days out of 30.
Record Keeping
Exempt fundraisers are tracked and monitored by the school wellness representative (or school financial technician, or principal, or principal designee) and records are kept in the school wellness policy Google Drive.
Where can the policy be found?
What is a Wellness Policy?
A local school wellness policy is a written document of official policies that guide a local educational agency (LEA) or school district’s efforts to establish a school environment that promotes students’ health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.
Key Areas of Our Wellness Policy
Physical activity
Other school-based strategies that are designed to promote student wellness.
Wellness Policy Documents
Wellness Policy Communication Resources
Additional School Wellness Resources
A list of Smart Snack Approved Products currently sold in our cafeterias
Healthy Snack & Beverage Ideas from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Creative Fundraising Ideas from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Celebrations That Support Child Health from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Smart Snack Venue Survey Tool from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Competitive Food Inventory Sheet from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Sample Vendor Letter for Vending Machines from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Sample Healthy Celebration Survey for Students from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
60 Strategies for Implementing Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Scorecard
USDA Final Rule and Guidance for Wellness Policy Implementation
Community Involvement
Get involved with suggestions, comments, and questions!
Students, parents, teachers, staff members, food service professionals, health professionals, and other interested community partners are invited to be a part of the developing, implementing, monitoring, periodically reviewing and updating of the Division Wellness Policy.
If interested, please reach out to School Nutrition Services.
Contact: Irene Stevens : 540-751-2690
For further gardening information, see below resources:
LCPS Farm to School Initiatives
Virginia Cooperative Extension for School Garden Resources
For further information regarding vegan diets and how to build a sustainable business: see further information here