
The Department of Academics works to design, support, and monitor the educational vision and mission of LCPS as articulated in the One LCPS Strategic Plan. The Department of Academics is comprised of the Department of Teaching and Learning, the Department of Student Services, and the Division of Research, Assessment, and School Improvement (RASI). Within these departments, curriculum, assessments, and instructional strategies are designed and developed for the 82,000+ students of Loudoun County Public Schools.

Business and Financial Services
The Department of Business and Financial Services' mission is to provide support, leadership and direction to other school system departments, the Superintendent, and the School Board. The department administrators oversee the areas of accounting, budget, financial services, financial applications administration, payroll, procurement, and school nutrition services. Financial affairs are managed in a fiscally responsible manner to be consistent with the School Board budget and goals.

Communications and Community Engagement
The Department of Communications and Community Engagement provides a proactive communications structure, aligned with the One LCPS: 2027 Strategic Plan for Excellence, to drive results and communications across the school division. The department handles communications and marketing duties, storytelling and video projects, publications, crisis communications, social and media relations, both internally in the school division and externally for the community at large. The Department of Communications and Community Engagement serves to strengthen the involvement of our students, staff and community by ensuring two-way communication and outreach and supporting the goals of the school division.

The Department of Digital Information (DDI) oversees the school district's technology. DDI plans, develops, and supports technology that underpins teaching, school operations, and other activities. DDI’s mission is to ensure technology is used effectively, fairly, and affordably to provide a high-quality education by reducing barriers and ensuring ease of access. DDI aims to create a clean and open environment, providing students, teachers, parents, administrators, staff, and the community with easy-to-use, dependable, and cost-effective technology. This technology supports excellent teaching and helps students succeed.

Human Resources and Talent Development
In alignment with the LCPS mission of empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world, the Department of Human Resources and Talent Development (HRTD) is committed to focusing on Strategic Goal #2, to cultivate a high-performing team of professionals focused on our mission and goals. The Department supports a qualified and diverse workforce of over 12,055.9 FTE’s and over 4,699 part-time, substitute, and hourly employees to accomplish the objectives of LCPS. It directs all phases of employment practices through the planning, organization, and implementation of the School Division's programs of recruitment, staffing, placement, mentoring and development, employee health, wellness and benefits, employee leave and retirement, evaluation, classification, employment verification, and separation of LCPS employees. The Department of Human Resources and Talent Development is also responsible for the overall administration of compliance and equity issues as they relate to LCPS employees and the management of employee relations issues.

Department of School Leadership provides leadership and support to all school principals and leads schools in a continuous school improvement process designed to accomplish the mission and strategic goals established by the school division.

The Department of Student Services provides support to all students through the offices of Diagnostic and Prevention Services, Special Education, and Student Services. We believe in a “whole child approach to education” to support and enhance the LCPS mission of empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. Educating the whole child addresses the academic, social emotional, behavioral, and health needs of all students so that they may have a positive and productive school experience. Focused on the whole child, the Department of Student Services promotes a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) approach to prevention and intervention programming and support to schools. The Department of Student Services empowers students through the support of various school-based leadership opportunities that include, and are not limited to, Positive Experiences in Educational Relationships (PEER), Sources of Strength, and unified sports teams and activities. We celebrate our student leaders that positively influence school culture and promote healthy attitudes and behavior among their peers. The Department of Student Services engages families through forums and workshops provided through Parent Resource Services (PRS). In addition to answering questions and providing information related to special education matters, PRS provides dozens of informational seminars on topics related to special education and mental wellness. The Department of Student Services supports student performance by providing leadership, management, and accountability for special education, school counseling, student registration, student health, social work, student assistance, attendance, homebound, McKinney-Vento, outreach, special permission, home instruction, religious exemptions, kindergarten exemptions, tuition requests, assessment, diagnostic, psychological, and parent resource services.

The Department of Support Services is comprised of the following Divisions: Construction Services; Environmental, Health and Safety; Facilities Operations; Management and Coordination Services; Planning & GIS Services; Sustainability; and Transportation. We design, build, maintain, operate, serve, and support safe, comfortable, well-maintained educational facilities and grounds, and safe student transportation. As stewards of the public trust, Support Services prides itself on our sustainability and energy conservation efforts as part of our culture in Loudoun County Public Schools while "Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world." Providing timely, responsive, and professional support to our students, staff, and community is our department’s goal and one of our core values.

The role of the Department of Teaching and Learning is to provide support to school and division staff in their work of implementing the Loudoun County Public Schools’ mission of empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. The Department of Teaching and Learning provides resources, structures, and support to ensure students develop as knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators, and contributors. The Department of Teaching and Learning (DTL) provides leadership and support in many areas, including: Identifying significant content and important competencies, Supporting teachers as designers of deeper learning experiences through authentic challenging problems, Engaging parents, business partners, and community members, Supporting and improve teaching and learning, and Ensuring system answerability and internal accountability. The major efforts for the upcoming year are: Continue emphasis on the Loudoun County Public Schools instructional framework, Maintain implementation of 100% full-day kindergarten programs to support students from across the county, Continue emphasis on building teacher capacity through ongoing professional learning, Continue emphasis on leveraging technology to support instruction, particularly in a one-to-one classroom environment, Focus on closing achievement gaps for students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, and English learners, and Continue to build out the Assessment and Internal Accountability Framework by refining a balanced scorecard, developing performance assessments, using Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to measure student growth, and providing professional learning opportunities to support the work.