Students at a trade table

Dominion High School and Robey High School students attended the first annual Trade Talks this Spring.  The two-day event hosted nine industry partners and provided over 150 students with the opportunity to meet skilled trades professionals and learn about various trades and apprenticeship opportunities after high school. 

This year’s Trade Talks set the stage for ongoing, high-quality career exposure. 

The event showcased the skills students need to excel in the trades and underscored the schools’ commitment to ensuring all students succeed after high school. The close relationships between industry partners and school staff further demonstrated the vital link between the demand for skilled workers and students’ aspiration for employment. 

Skilled trades represent various fields, from construction and electrical work to industrial manufacturing and technology or mechanics and plumbing. Specific skills often entail hands-on, practical skills and frequently require specialized training. 

Sheila Traenkle, Transition Teacher at Dominion High School, shared, “High school students have many options after graduation; there isn’t a single path to success. Sharing information about skilled trades highlights how vital they are to keeping our communities moving forward and pushing the boundaries of innovation. Skilled trades are well-paying, sustainable careers, and graduates can start working in careers that offer a road to job satisfaction and financial stability.”

Trade Talks was created and organized by Dominion High School’s Elisa Rivera from the Career Center and Sheila Traenkle, Transitions Teacher, and Robey High School’s Rocio Escobedo-Gallegos from the Career Center. It was a successful in-person, face-to-face event and was a welcome occasion for students and staff to interact. The event is expected to return next year as an expanded career week event.

Published July 1, 2024