LCPS Update Graphic

Student privacy is a core value for Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), legally and morally, and we are committed to upholding it with the highest standards. It is the division’s practice to not publicly discuss any specific student’s information, whether it pertains to academic records, health, or discipline. Without full context or knowledge of the situation or of LCPS’ response, local media has recently been reporting on incidents surrounding a specific student, known and identifiable within the student’s school and surrounding community. We have been clear that we cannot discuss individual students and their circumstances with the media, and they are well aware of the federal and state privacy laws that prevent us from doing so. 

At the October 8, 2024 meeting of the Loudoun County School Board, a number of individuals sought to discuss what was reported in the media and discuss a specific student despite repeated requests from the Board Chair not to do so. As a result, the Board Chair concluded public comment to restore order, in accordance with School Board public comment procedures.

Let us be clear: LCPS will not support a forum where information about specific students is discussed publicly. We cannot allow our students’ safety, privacy, or well-being to be used as talking points at Board meetings or in the media to advance what appears to be a political agenda. 

Misinformation is on the rise, and school divisions like LCPS must be vigilant in actively combating it. It is our responsibility to call out misinformation when allegations are incorrect, unsubstantiated, or deliberately used to create division within our community. While local media or social media may share inaccurate or incomplete information, LCPS will not be drawn into these unverified exchanges.

We cannot emphasize enough: allegations are not facts. Allowing unverified information to spread in a public forum, particularly one offered by the School Board, would be irresponsible. When media outlets or individuals make claims without naming or verifying sources, they do a disservice not just to the individuals involved but to the entire community. This is particularly dangerous when it involves our children and their safety. 

As we have stated before, LCPS is vigilant and we would not ask parents to send their children to school if we had specific or credible concerns about their safety. LCPS's safety measures are comprehensive and multi-layered. We collaborate closely with law enforcement and legal counsel to ensure we meet the highest standards of safety. Some security measures are visible, while others must remain confidential to maintain their effectiveness. However, rest assured that we take every concern seriously and address them promptly and in accordance with state and federal law, School Board policy and division regulations. 

LCPS will continue to remain focused on prioritizing student safety, student privacy, addressing misinformation, and creating a secure, supportive environment where every student can learn and thrive.

Dr. Aaron Spence
Superintendent, Loudoun County Public Schools

Melinda Mansfield
Chair, Loudoun County School Board