LCPS School Board Graphic

The Loudoun County School Board held a meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 26, in the School Board Meeting Room at the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Administrative Offices, 21000 Education Court in Ashburn.

Board Member Attendance

  • Chair Melinda Mansfield: Present

  • Vice Chair Arben Istrefi: Present

  • Anne Donohue: Present

  • April Chandler: Present 

  • Deana Griffiths: Present

  • Dr. Linda Deans: Present (remote)

  • Kari LaBell: Present

  • Lauren Shernoff: Present (remote)

  • Dr. Sumera Rashid: Present

Work Session

The Department of Teaching and Learning provided an overview of the division’s work around Generative Artificial Intelligence and provided Board members an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Staff provided an update on the budget process and a preliminary fiscal forecast for the upcoming year. The forecast included estimates of budget requirements, School Board priorities, and anticipated revenues.

Recess Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

The Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem were performed by the J. Michael Lunsford Middle School Violin Ensemble.

Student/Staff Recognitions

The Virginia Board of Education Announced the 2024-2025 Exemplar School Recognition Awards. Highest Achievement Exemplar Awards were presented to Aldie ES, Hamilton ES, Hillsboro Charter, Lincoln ES, Loudoun Valley HS, Waterford ES, and Woodgrove HS.

Student School Board Representative

Annabelle Monte, Rock Ridge High School

Superintendent’s Report

Highlights of the report include:

  • Loudoun County High School Cheer Team will participate in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

  • Loudoun County Public Schools provides a new platform to share the division’s news through the LCPS Podcast.

  • Woodgrove High School students planted chestnut trees for a research study.

View the entire Superintendent’s Report.

Public Comment

Community members participated in person and virtually to provide the School Board with comments on a range of topics.

Action Items

The Board addressed two action items:

  1. The Board approved updates to Policy 4180, Commercial, Promotional, and Corporate Sponsorships and Partnerships.

  2. The Board approved revised Policy 8650, Student Technology Acceptable/Responsible Use.

Information Items

The Board discussed several information items, including:

  1. The Board reviewed and discussed proposed changes to Policy 5130, Textbook Adoption.

  2. The Board discussed and reviewed proposed revisions to Policy 7301, Licensed Staff.

  3. The Board discussed and reviewed the Cooperative Agreement concerning the operation and control of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology for School Year 2025-2026.

The Board then entered into a Closed Session and ultimately adjourned for the evening.

View the entire agenda online. 

To view the full Board meeting, visit the LCPS website.

*The summary is provided as a quick reference to School Board meeting activity but does not serve as an official record. Official minutes are posted as soon as available.