At the beginning of this school year, after extensive community, staff and student feedback, LCPS implemented Policy 8655, Student Personal Device Use. This policy covers the student use of personal technology in schools, including cell phones, tablets, earbuds, personal gaming devices, and other technologies during the school day. We are asking for feedback on these changes. We want to know what is working well and what might still be confusing or need further clarification.
We are using ThoughtExchange so everyone can share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to the group.
You may recall that the goal of this policy was to foster a productive academic environment and help ensure that LCPS students participate in their classes undistracted by cell phones. It was our belief that this change would boost student engagement in class, help promote more positive interactions between classmates and help reduce feelings of anxiety to help promote student’s mental health and wellbeing.
This policy did not deny students with a valid accommodation access to their personal devices. Parents/guardians and multi-disciplinary team members supported students who required and requested access to personally owned devices as an accommodation.
Your input is valued and appreciated. Simply use the QR code below or this link to participate in the Policy 8655 ThoughtExchange, which closes December 20. All ThoughtExchanges can be found at Your participation is anonymous.
Thank you in advance for your participation.