LCPS School Board Graphic

The Loudoun County School Board held a meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 10, in the School Board Meeting Room at the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Administrative Offices, 21000 Education Court in Ashburn.

Board Member Attendance

Chair Melinda Mansfield: Present
Vice Chair Arben Istrefi: Present
Anne Donohue: Present
April Chandler: Present 
Deana Griffiths: Present
Dr. Linda Deans: Present
Kari LaBell: Present
Lauren Shernoff: Present
Dr. Sumera Rashid: Present

Advisory Committee Update

The Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC) provided the School Board an update on the achievements, initiatives, and future considerations since the last report presented on May 14, 2024.

Work Session

Staff prepared and published its Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), presenting the financial position and operational results of the school division’s various funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The report was audited by Cherry Bekaert LLP, which issued an unmodified opinion on the financial statements - the highest possible outcome of an audit.

Staff presented information on college and career readiness. Designed to streamline and enhance the academic planning process, Course Planner empowers students in grades 5-11 to take control of their educational journey. With Course Planner, students can map out their high school coursework, selecting courses that align with their interests and future aspirations. 

Recess Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

The Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem were performed by the Mill Run Elementary School Chorus.

Student/Staff Recognitions

  • One LCPS Spotlight: Staff and students from Loudoun County High School provided an overview of college and career readiness activities and the implementation of the SchooLinks program.

  • Renée Dawson, Director of Family and Community Engagement, was awarded the prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). The PVSA, founded in 2003 by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, is a civilian honor awarded by the President of the United States. This national award program recognizes exceptional volunteers whose dedication makes a lasting impact on their communities. It celebrates volunteers who inspire others through their service, fostering a culture of giving and civic responsibility.

Student School Board Representative

Corbin Segna, Tuscarora High School

Superintendent’s Report

Highlights of the report include:

  • Dr. Marc Bergin is the new LCPS Chief of Staff.

  • Ashley Wood from Hovatter Elementary School wins VSTE Award.

  • LCHS 9th-grader interviews civil rights icon Ruby Bridges.

View the entire Superintendent’s Report.

Public Comment

Community members participated in person and virtually to provide the School Board with comments on a range of topics.

Action Items

The Board addressed five action items:

  1. The School Board approved the Contract Award of IFB #24-535 Lightridge HS and Potomac Falls HS Modulars to S-Works Construction Corporation in the amount of One Million, Nine Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand, Nine Hundred Five dollars and Ninety-Six cents ($1,935,905.96) and authorizes the Chair of the School Board to sign the final contract documents upon presentation.

  2. The School Board adopted the Superintendent’s Recommended FY 2026 through FY 2031 Capital Improvement Program and Capital Asset Preservation Program, including the Capital Facility Planning Guidelines.

  3. The School Board accepted the revisions for Policy 7301, Licensed Staff.

  4. The School Board adopted revised Policy 8155, School Assignment.

  5. The School Board approved the Cooperative Agreement concerning the operation and control of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology for School Year 2025-2026 and that the Board Chair signed the Agreement.

Information Items

The Board discussed two information items:

  1. Policy 6120, Wellness, most recently revised in October 2019, is a USDA requirement for school districts participating in the National School Lunch/School Breakfast Program.

  2. Policy 5150, Adult Education, was last revised on December 3, 2019.

The Board then entered into a Closed Session.

New Business

Chair Mansfield requested the proposed Recovery School be added as an information item at the next Board meeting.

View the entire agenda online. 

To view the full Board meeting, visit the LCPS website.

*The summary is provided as a quick reference to School Board meeting activity but does not serve as an official record. Official minutes are posted as soon as available.