Bee-lieve It! Top Spellers in Loudoun County Buzz into Regional Competition
The words were flying as Loudoun County Public Schools identified the top ## spellers in the county, proving once again that LCPS students are bee-yond impressive when it comes to spelling.
After school-wide competitions at all LCPS elementary and middle schools—along with 30 private and parochial schools—the top ## word wizards took on an online spelling and vocabulary assessment. Now, 30 finalists are set to showcase their skills at the 43rd Annual Loudoun County Regional Spelling Bee on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at Lightridge High School.
These students are sure to spell their way to success, and we can’t wait to see who h-i-v-e-s up to the challenge. Congratulations and good luck to all the competitors!
For a full list of finalists and more details, visit the LCPS Regional Spelling Bee page.