LCPS School Board Graphic

The Loudoun County School Board will hold a meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, in the School Board Meeting Room at the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Administrative Offices, 21000 Education Court in Ashburn.

The full meeting agenda will be available on the LCPS School Board website (under Meetings) by approximately 5:30 p.m., Friday, March 7. You will also be able to access the agenda via the Board Meetings & Documents link on the LCPS webpage. The School Board will accept in-person and virtual comments for this meeting. For more information and to learn how to sign up to speak at meetings of the School Board or its committees, please visit the Citizen Participation webpage.

The procedures for commenting to the School Board are as follows: Sign-up for public comment will close at noon on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. For those who have not pre-registered, walk-up registrations for in-person public comment will be accepted at the LCPS Administrative Offices from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. Walk-up speakers will be added to the end of the in-person comment list.

The list of pre-registered speakers will be posted at the front of the building to the Administrative Offices and on the school division’s website approximately an hour before the start of the meeting. Speakers must limit comments to the time allotted by the Chair and announced prior to the public comment period. The Chair determines the time based on the number of speakers and the agenda.

Members of the public will be allowed to view public comments and the full meeting in the School Board Meeting Room. The public will be admitted through the west entrance of the Administrative Offices.

Members of the public eligible to address the School Board include residents of Loudoun County (including incorporated towns within); businesses located in whole or in part in Loudoun County; Loudoun County taxpayers; current or former LCPS students; parents and guardians of LCPS students that live outside of Loudoun County; LCPS employees and retirees; or representatives of organizations serving LCPS employees and students.

The following safety protocols are in effect for those entering the Administrative Offices to attend School Board meetings:

  • All persons and items entering the building are subject to search.

  • The following items will not be allowed inside the LCPS Administrative Offices: bags and purses (purses or handbags 8 inches-by-11-inches-by-2 inches, or smaller, are permitted); backpacks; food; sticks or rods of any kind; lighters and matches; aerosols; noise-making devices; voice-enhancement devices; mace; pepper spray; and weapons of any kind. (Water in a one-liter or smaller soft-plastic container is permitted, one per person.) 

As a reminder, if a member of the public wishes to present materials to School Board members, the materials should be given to the Public Information Officer, or designee, at the back of the Board room or in a designated collection area, prior to the start of the meeting. These materials will be distributed to Board members. All materials being submitted to the School Board must be hand-carried without boxes or bags. Under no circumstances will a speaker approach the dais to present materials to the School Board.  

Attendees are reminded that photos, video or other recordings are allowed. Images may become part of the public record or be used in media coverage. The meeting will be live-streamed on the

LCPS webpage and televised on Comcast channel 18 in standard definition, and Comcast channel 1070 in high definition. Verizon FIOS channel 43 in standard definition, and Verizon FIOS channel 2143 in high definition.