The Loudoun County School Board held a meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 11, in the School Board Meeting Room at the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Administrative Offices, 21000 Education Court in Ashburn.
Board Member Attendance
Chair Melinda Mansfield: Absent
Vice Chair Anne Donohue: Present
Arben Istrefi: Present
April Chandler: Present
Deana Griffiths: Present
Dr. Linda Deans: Present
Kari LaBell: Present
Lauren Shernoff: Present
Dr. Sumera Rashid: Present
Advisory Committee Update
The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) provided an update to the School Board.
Work Session
LCPS Division of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) presented an overview of its initiatives to support students, families, and schools since its establishment. The presentation highlighted key efforts, including family liaison support, translation and interpretation services, Family Academy, school-based site visits, and website development. It also outlined the division’s collaborative approach to aligning engagement efforts across departments to strengthen family partnerships and enhance student success.
Recess Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem were performed by the Heritage High School Guitar Ensemble.
Student/Staff Recognitions
Two educators, Ms. Madison Boyd and Ms. Jessica Corun of Mountain View Elementary School, demonstrated extraordinary attentiveness and decisive action when they noticed something unusual about one of their students. Their deep understanding of their students, paired with their training and instincts, led them to act immediately in a way that profoundly impacted a life.
Dominion Trail Elementary School highlighted the work of their family liaison and how their school goes above and beyond to support students and families in a variety of ways.
Student School Board Representative
Joseph Adesioye, Park View High School
Ava Welsh, Woodgrove High School
Superintendent’s Report
Highlights of the report include:
More than 260 PEER students attended an annual conference focused on mentoring.
During SEL Day, students learned about skills needed in the workforce.
LCPS Leadership visited Lightridge High School for CTE Month.
View the entire Superintendent’s Report.
Public Comment
Community members participated in person and virtually to provide the School Board with comments on a range of topics.
Action Items
The Board addressed three action items:
The School Board adopted the proposed meeting calendar for the Dulles South secondary school attendance zone change process.
The School Board approved the Contract Award of IFB #24-537 Administration Building 3rd Floor Renovation to GCS-SIGAL, Inc.
The School Board reviewed and approved the Resolution to support the naming of "Amazon Think Big Corners" at four elementary schools and authorized the Chair of the School Board to sign the Agreement with Amazon.
Information Items
The Board discussed two information items:
A proposal for an Academy of Global and Linguistics Studies (AGLS) from the Specialized Programs & Centers Committee.
Information on a proposed Dominion Energy – Golden to Mars Transmission Line Project presented by the Department of Support Services.
Board Members' Comments and Committee Reports
Board members provided updates on their committees and comments.
New Business
Mrs. Griffiths discussed Policy 8040.
View the entire agenda online.
To view the full Board meeting, visit the LCPS website.
*The summary is provided as a quick reference to School Board meeting activity but does not serve as an official record. Official minutes are posted as soon as available.