37th Annual Leesburg Car Show

October 4, 2025

Registration will open 5/1/2025

History:  For over 3 decades, the annual Leesburg Car Show has been a premier family event in historic downtown Leesburg.  The origins of the show go back to a local car club that sponsored and coordinated the event.  For years, students from the old C.S. Monroe Technology Center (Monroe Tech) would volunteer and assist with the show.  This positive partnership evolved with profits from the show being donated to the school as their primary fundraiser.  Eventually, the staff at Monroe Tech assumed full coordination of the event.  When C.S. Monroe Technology Center closed in 2018, the programs became part of the new Academies of Loudoun.  At the Academies of Loudoun, we are proud to continue the tradition of the Leesburg Car Show.  All profits from the event directly support students at the Academies of Loudoun primarily in senior scholarships at the end of the year.  Your support of the Leesburg Car Show and the students at the Academies of Loudoun is greatly appreciated.

Event Location: Leesburg, VA.  All display vehicles must register and line up at Tuscarora High School, 801 North King Street, Leesburg, VA, 20175.

Vehicle Entries:  All quality entries are welcome to participate.  In keeping with the tradition of the show, only "classics" (25+ Years) will be eligible for specialty awards.  However, all vehicles are eligible for “Spectator’s Choice” Awards.  Motorcycles are welcome.

Awards Categories: Ford, Lincoln/Mercury, Mustang, Chevrolet, Buick/Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Cadillac, Corvette, Camaro, Mopar, Import, Truck, Cobra, Rat Rod, Custom, Pre-1940, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, Interior, Engine, Paint, Principal’s Choice, Mayor’s Choice, Leesburg Police Choice, Town of Leesburg Choice, Top 10 Spectators Choice

Vehicle Size Limit:  Due to the narrow streets and limited parking available in downtown Leesburg, extra-large/oversized vehicles are not able to participate.

Vehicle Entry Fee: $40


VIP Registration $80: A limited number (20) V.I.P. registrations are available on a first come-first served basis.  VIP registrations include early/first transfer from the staging area to Downtown, preferential parking (first 5 spots closest to the King/Market Streets intersection) and a T-Shirt.

Times:  Saturday, October 4, 9:00a.m.-5:00pm
• 9:00am- Staging area opens (Tuscarora HS)
• 9:00am- Streets close in downtown Leesburg
• 10:00am- Participating cars begin moving to downtown Leesburg.
• 11:00am- Deadline for cars entering staging area at THS.
• 11:00am- Volunteers begin collecting entrance donations.
• 12:00pm- Opening remarks and welcome. (Downtown Leesburg)
• 3:00pm- Voting Ends (Corner of King and Market Streets)
• 3:30pm- Awards ceremony. (Corner of King and Market Streets)
• 4:00pm- Display cars begin to disperse.
• 5:00pm- Streets reopen to the public.

Staging:  All participating vehicles must be “pre-staged” at Tuscarora HS.  Late entries will not be permitted after 11:00am.

Procedures to assist with transition from THS to Downtown Leesburg:
• No oversized or large vehicles that require special consideration when parking.
• Registration table is in the upper parking lot at THS (front of school).
• After registering, vehicles move to the lower side lot for line up.
• Registered vehicles will be lined up in a single file line that will snake through the parking lot.  
• "First Come/First Lined Up".
• Note that display parking is random.  Line up order does not indicate preferential parking locations.
• No reserving or saving places in line.  
• Cars will be moved in groups of 12 to the display area.
• At the intersection of King/Market, cars will be split and moved into three different directions (4 cars each street) and parked simultaneously.
• Smaller cars will be parked on South King Street (bump outs blocking streets).
• Requests for specific parking spots will not be honored.
• Attempts will be made to fulfill requests for parking with another car/club (pending availability of open spots); however, this is not guaranteed.

Rain Date:  In the event of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled for October 18.  If both the original and rain date are canceled, refunds will be provided within 30 business days.

Payment Options:
• $40 Regular Registration
• $80 VIP Preferred Registration (limit 20)CLOSED VIP REGISTRATION FULL
• Mail Payment.  Ensure to include the name that is provided on the registration.
Academies of Loudoun
Attn: Car Show
42075 Loudoun Academy Drive
Leesburg, VA 20175
• $40 Cash Only on the day of the Show in Person.  Pending availability.

Important details:
• Registrations are not finalized until both the registration form and payment are received.
• Participation is limited to 150 vehicles (max that can be parked in downtown Leesburg).
• Registrations will be processed on a “First come, first served basis” until capacity is reached (150 cars total).  
• Pre-registration is highly encouraged as the show traditionally sells out (i.e. no guarantee of availability on day of show).
• Stand-by registration on the day of the show will be processed at 11:00am (pending availability).

Applications:  Participation in the event is limited to 150 display vehicles.  Once registration applications are received, they will be reviewed and applicants will be notified regarding status.  Note that registration will not be finalized/confirmed until both the registration and payment are received.

Refunds:  Once accepted to participate in the show, no refunds will be provided if exhibitor cancels or does not participate.

Exhibit Parking:  Specific parking locations cannot be requested for the show.  We will have 150 parking spaces reserved for the show.  Exhibit line-up will be set at the staging area.  Once roads are closed, exhibit vehicles will move to the downtown location and park in designated spots as directed by event staff.  Suggestion- If you would like to park near another participant, line-up with each other in the staging area.

Display of Cars:  Once parked, display vehicles will not be permitted to move during the public display hours (12:00pm-4:00pm).  Exhibit vehicles must be open and staffed during all regular hours.  Nothing should be placed on the sidewalks or interfere with the buildings, entrances, or walkways of any businesses or residences.  No signs or banners can be placed on the courthouse fence/gate.

Professional Behavior:  Leesburg Car Show staff reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine what constitutes professional behavior.  Failure to display professional behavior will result in removal from the event, without refund, and may impact participation in future events.

Insurance:  All display vehicles must be properly insured by the owners.

Liability:  Automobile owners as well as exhibitors/participants agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Loudoun County Public Schools, The Town of Leesburg, Academies of Loudoun, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature, whether at law or inequity, arising from or caused by any services/operations of any kind or nature furnished by the automobile owner/exhibit participant to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, state governing performance thereof, and any provision hereof not permitted by such laws is expressly deleted from said agreement.

Loudoun County Public Schools, The Town of Leesburg, and the Academies of Loudoun will not be liable for refunds or any other liabilities whatsoever for failure to fulfill this contract due to the reasons of enclosure in which the Leesburg Car Show is held, being strikes, statutes, ordinances, or legal authority or any other act beyond the control of Loudoun County Public Schools, The Town of Leesburg, and the Academies of Loudoun that make it impossible or impractical to hold Leesburg Car Show.   Loudoun County Public Schools, The Town of Leesburg, and the Academies of Loudoun will not be liable for any damage done by exhibitors/participants or vendors by public/private property during set up, tear down and regular operation of the event.

In acceptance of the right to participate, I hereby release Loudoun County Public Schools, The Town of Leesburg, and the Academies of Loudoun and anyone connected with the managements or presentation of this event from any know liabilities, including but not limited to property damage, injury, death, that may be suffered by any entrant or spectator.