H1 Style Heading

(Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports)


Ball's Bluff Elementary School 

Our PBIS goal at BBES is to promote positive behavior by encouraging students to ROAR

(Respectful, Organized, Accepting, Responsible). 

By ROARing we learn to be great students, hard workers and leaders.

 Ball's Bluff Elementary has been a PBIS school since the 2007-2008 school year. 

We were 1 of 5 schools in the county to pilot the framework which is now a county directive for all schools.

PBIS is a framework with the premise that by reducing behavior concerns, academic growth will become more evident.  With less problem behaviors the teacher will have to correct behavior less and will be able to instruct more.  One way this is achieved is through common, school-wide expectations and use of a general behavior framework.

Ball's Bluff's PBIS framework is based on


Students are expected to demonstrate the 4 criteria:





Using consistent language like ROAR, 4 S line and others allows for the entire staff to monitor every child. 

With these school-wide expectations, students understand quickly how to be an exemplary

BBES tiger.

BBES has ROAR expectations for the Classroom, Hallways, Cafeteria, Playground, Restrooms and also for using Technology.

Teachers are always on the lookout for exemplary Tigers and your child just might get

"Caught Being Good"


These "Tiger Paws" or "Eye of the Tigers" are how students earn classroom and school-wide incentives.  Students select incentivesas a class that they want to work towards in the homerooms giving them ownership and a common goal.

You can watch our school progress toward incentives with the Tower of Power in the front lobby.  Students' positive behaviors help meet their classroom goals and then fill up our tower to earn 4 possible school-wide rewards.


Our reward goals this year are at 2500, 6000, 9000, and 12000 tiger paws!

How can you help?


How about

ROAR rules

at home?

Here are some ideas for you. You can even download this ROAR poster.


R=Respectful -

Listen to my parents

Use kind words

Be kind to my brothers and sisters

Take care of my Chromebook

O=Organized -

Make sure homework and chores are done on time

Charge my Chromebook


Do my chores when asked

Make sure I am ready to get to school on time

R= Always Responsible - 

Clean up my room

Put my things away