Course Selection for 2024-2025

Important Dates & Deadlines:

  • January 4 @6:00pm: Rising 9th Curriculum Night (at INDY)

  • January 23 & 26th: Rising 9th Student Elective Course Selection (during Science)

  • February 1 @ 6:30pm: Rising 7th & 8th Course Information Night (at BAM)

  • February 5-16: Rising 7th Student Elective Course Selection (during English)

  • February 5-16: Rising 8th Student Elective Course Selection (during Science)

  • April 19: Final Deadline for All Course Request Changes

  • April 24: Rising 9th Expo at INDY (students only)

Helpful Tips When Reviewing Course Selections:

  • Open Parent/StudentVue and review the Course Request tab. The classes listed are the courses your student will have next year.

  • If you review the Course Request tab and do not wish to make any changes then your student is all set for the next school year!  There are no further actions needed.  

  • If you want to change any course, including a level change, a parent must complete the BAM Course Request Change form no later than Friday, April 19. No changes will be honored after that date.

  • If you want to “level up” from Academic to Honors, math course level or World Language level, please reach out to your student’s current teacher to understand the original recommendation so that you may make an informed decision as a family.  After this discussion, if you still want to make the change please complete the BAM Course Request Change form no later than Friday, April 19.

Helpful Links & Resources:

Course Information Night Slides

  • Rising 7th-8th Course Information Night (slides)

Student Course Information Presentation Slides

Elective Promotional Videos