Pay LCPS Invoices
To pay a Loudoun County Public Schools invoice including Retiree Health Insurance, Quarterly Tuition, Billed Health Benefits, Billed Payroll Invoices, Property Damage, etc., please click the link below.
The Federal Impact Aid program provides financial assistance to school districts that enroll federally connected students. The funds secured from the program become part of the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) general operating budget and help reduce the amount of local monies needed to provide a quality education for your children.
LCPS is eligible to receive Impact Aid funds if either parent or guardian is on active duty in the uniformed services or working on federally-owned property located in Virginia. Individuals working on federally-owned property in Virginia may be employed by a private business or contractor, or the federal government.
For SY22-23, as part of the verification and registration process in ParentVUE, we are requesting parents and guardians to complete the online survey form if applicable.
An LCPS Impact Aid Form 2024 form (Spanish form) will be available for those parents and guardians who prefer to submit the requested information with a paper survey; the completed form may then be mailed to LCPS' Business and Finance at 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, Virginia 20148 or provide the completed form to the school and they will forward.
Please complete the survey by no later than January 26, 2024, for each LCPS-enrolled child in your household.
All information collected is confidential and will be used only for the stated purpose of determining the amount of funding available to LCPS.
Should you have questions, or need more information regarding the Impact Aid Pupil-Parent Survey, please contact the Division of Business and Financial Services, Accounting Division at Email Impact Aid or 571-252-1220.
21000 Education Court, Suite 313
Ashburn, VA 20148
Phone: (571) 252-1220
Fax: (571) 252-1412
Email Accounting
Accounting Staff
Lisa Wilkins- Director of Accounting