Creighton’s Corner Elementary School
School Counseling Department
Mission Statement
Creighton’s Corner Elementary School’s Counseling Department provides a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate curriculum for all students in grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Creighton’s Corner school counseling program focuses on providing support in the academic, career, and social emotional needs of all our students. Students succeed at their highest potential when strong partnerships exist between school and home and we help build that foundation. Creighton’s Corner school counseling program promotes respect and equity in our diverse community as we strive to create lifelong learners and productive citizens in a safe and nurturing environment.
Vision Statement
Creighton’s Corner School Counseling department inspires our students to become critical thinkers, problem-solvers and lifelong learners. As school counselors, we provide multiple supports and interventions to all our students. As school counselors, we support our students by providing a diverse program with a focus on academic, social emotional and career mindsets and behaviors for all students to achieve success.
Beliefs Statement
Our School Counseling program is based upon the following beliefs:
School counselors will collaborate with Creighton’s Corner stakeholders, including our parents, administration, faculty, and community members in order to support all of our students. Advisory Council meetings will be held twice a year.
All students in grades K-5 will receive classroom lessons throughout the school year that are aligned with the American School Counselor Association’s Mindsets and Behaviors and the Virginia Standards for School Counseling Programs.
Individual and small group counseling services will be available to all students who can benefit from these services.
School counselors will embrace our rich diversity by providing equitable services to all of our students.
School counselors will serve as advocates for all students