Notice: Effective January 1, 2023, Harris Teeter, Kroger and Kroger affiliate pharmacies are leaving the Express Scripts Network. Find more information on the Express Scripts website.
Prescription Plan for the OAP and OAP HIGH Plans
Prescription coverage is administered through Express Scripts. LCPS has a three tier plan with three levels of co-pays based on the type of prescription being filled. Through Express Scripts mail order service, 90 day supplies of medications taken on a regular basis can be ordered for the cost of two co-pays rather than three.
Information, Forms and Resources
Express Scripts Pharmacy Contact Information
Member Services:
Claims Address:
Express Scripts
PO Box 14711
Lexington, KY 40512
Price a Medication Tool
If you are enrolled in the LCPS prescription plan, log on to your account at to price medications for your plan. Register if it's your first time on the website.
If you are not yet enrolled and want to price medications under each plan click the link below to view prices per plan and before and after deductible.
Choose the plan you’re interested in
Choose Price a Medication
Enter the medication name and search
Enter the dosage details
Once Pricing is visible, you have the option to view prices before the HDHP deductible is met and after the HDHP deductible is met by clicking on the respective status under View Pricing Results when your: (deductible is met / after the deductible is met)