
The Heritage Science staff is dedicated to improving science instruction through the use of technology, hands-on experiences, and inquiry-based learning. Our department of 14 teachers has a wide-range of backgrounds, each unique in their subject area. We currently support all of the science courses listed in the program of studies and are proud to have developed the Geospatial Technology course for the county.
Dissection Policy
Students enrolled in life science courses may participate in animal dissection. Students who decline to participate will be offered alternatives to dissection. A student’s objection to participating in an animal dissection should be substantiated by a signed note from his or her parent or legal guardian.
Student Research Statement for Science
"At Heritage, we strive to engage our students in quality Scientific Research through inquiry-based thinking. The expectation for students is that they will identify a question for which the conclusion is unknown to the student. All questions are expected to push the student beyond their comfort level in critical thinking. This may require a high level of lab and/or analysis skills that could be competitive among their peers and in science competitions, which includes the ISEF, and exceeds common knowledge. As teachers, we will teach aspects of quality scientific research as well as act as mentors to support students as they find answers to their questions.
Criteria for Science Department Awards
Students are chosen by individual teachers and discussed as a department. Each award is given for individual achievement, which includes but is not limited to the following:
work ethic
exceeding expectations, working above and beyond
effort and growth in the learning of the content throughout the course
positive role model for peers
preparation for class
**The competition for the awards in science is strong and all students should be commended for their work throughout the year.