PBIS Team Leadership
Nellie Adams - Elementary Dean
Courtney Hurley - School Counselor
Hutchison Farm Elementary School is dedicated to creating a positive climate with a research-based approach to discipline called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support. PBIS is an approach for teaching children appropriate behavior and providing the support necessary to sustain that behavior. The goal of PBIS is to reduce challenging student behavior through a proactive, positive, and consistent manner across all school settings and to improve academic achievement and social competence. Our three anchors (core character traits) in our PBIS framework are RESPECT, RESPONSIBILTY, and READINESS. Common practices and language are used school-wide to maintain consistency and sustainability.
PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. PBIS is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school wide, and classroom discipline systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students.
Huskies show Respect, Responsibility, and Readiness. Commonly referred to as "The 3R's".
Positive behavioral expectations are taught and reinforced by all members of the HFES staff. All students may be acknowledged throughout their school day with verbal praise or a "Pawesome award". The Pawesome awards are collected in the doghouse located at the front lobby of our school building and sorted by grade level. Every Friday, Mrs. Smith, our school principal, selects one "TOP DOG" for each grade level for the following week, and the top dog has the choice of selecting prizes or receiving a reward based on their choice.
Classes can also earn Golden Paw stickers for showing one or all of the 3 R's in the hallways, in the cafeteria, during a special, during class, or even during a drill. Once the classroom chart is complete classrooms can submit their names for Wheel Spin Wednesday. Wheel Spin Wednesday's take place every Wednesday on the morning announcements. Once the wheel is spun we get to find out what number is selected and based on the classroom incentives, classrooms will be able to participate in their very own reward.
Interested in learning more? The following websites provide a wonderful overview of PBIS nationally and here in Loudoun County.