Resource Team

Special Education Advisory Committee (S.E.A.C.)

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is composed of parents, educators, administrators, business representatives, and other interested community groups concerned with the education of students with disabilities.

The purposes of the committee are as follows:

  • Advise the local school system of the needs in the education of children with disabilities.

  • Assist the local school system in the development of long-range plans which will provide needed services for children with disabilities.

  • Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities to the local school board.

  • Review annually the school system’s updated special education plan and application for federal funding.

SEAC has focused on Research-Based Initiatives and Instructional Offerings for Students with Special Needs; Staff Development Opportunities for All Staff; Reading Approaches and Alternatives for Students with Special Needs. 

The SEAC continues to focus on the education for students who are Gifted and Talented as well as Special Education and on the impact of the No Child Left Behind regulations on providing services to students with disabilities.

*Please contact the Assistant Principal, Carlene Lydic to learn more about S.E.A.C. or to speak with our S.E.A.C. representative.