Modeling the Future Challenge

Modeling the Future Challenge

 What is the Modeling The Future Challenge?

The Modeling the Future Challenge is a real-world competition for high school students combining mathematical modeling, data analysis, and risk management into one exciting challenge. To compete, groups/individual students conduct their own research project modeling real-world data to analyze risks and make recommendations to companies, industry groups, governments, or organizations. Join the challenge to put your critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and analytical skills to the test! You’ll also have a shot at your part of the $60,000 award purse! 

***The club is sponsored by Mrs. Rajchel and is led by Malhar Kulkarni and Varun Kadari***

Who can participate in the Challenge?

Students who have taken or be are taking at least one of the following junior or senior level mathematics courses at the time of registration for the Modeling the Future Challenge (MTFC): statistics, calculus, pre-calculus, probability, mathematical modeling, or another junior or senior level mathematics course covering similar material.

Meeting Details

Meetings will take place Tuesdays after school in room 2220. Additional meetings may be scheduled as we approach the end of phases. 

Application Form:

Interested in joining? Click here to apply!


Email Mrs. Rajchel, Malhar Kulkarni, or Varun Kadari with questions. We’ll do our best to answer within 24 hours. 

Join remind by texting 81010 @indymtfc