Schedule Change Process

The deadline for all course request changes was May 1, 2024.  We do the best we can to consider changes when looking at the school as a whole, class sizes, potential enrollments, and other needs to best support student achievement. We seek to honor the thoughtful process students, parents/guardians, teachers, and counselors took to ensure students selected an appropriate and balanced schedule.  

Please keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Requests for specific teachers or class periods will not be considered.

  • Schedule changes may not be possible if the course is considered full and seats are not available.

  • Schedule changes may require multiple class and teacher changes to the schedule.

  • Counselors will review graduation requirements and progress before schedule changes are considered.

  • If a schedule change is approved, the student is responsible for any missed work that the new teacher deems necessary.

  • All grades in the current course will transfer to the new course.

  • No schedule changes will be considered after March 1 (interim time of 3rd quarter per the LCPS Program of Studies).

  • A request for a schedule change does not guarantee that a change will be made.

  • All schedule changes are final and cannot be reversed.

  • Please review the chart below an explanation of grading implications of dropped courses.

Schedule Change Timeline & Deadlines

Full Year Course Withdraw Information

Semester Course Withdraw Information