About Loudoun

Administrative Office

(571) 252-1000
Metro: (703) 689-1600
Email Communications Office
21000 Education Court, Ashburn, Virginia 20148


  • From points east: Travel north on Dulles Airport Access Road, and merge onto Rt. 267 (W) [Dulles Greenway]. Take Rt. 267 Exit 5 and turn LEFT (S) onto Claiborne Parkway. Turn Right (W) on Broadlands Blvd at light. Turn RIGHT (N) into Education Court.

  • From points west: Travel east on Rt. 7 Bus [E. Market St.] and continue on Rt. 7E towards Sterling. Turn RIGHT (S) onto Belmont Ridge Road at light. Turn LEFT (E) on Broadlands Blvd at light. Turn LEFT (N) into Education Court.

  • From Dulles South Area: Travel north on Route 606 [Old Ox Road].  Take LEFT (W) onto Route 617 [Evergreen Mills Road] at first light.  Take RIGHT (N) onto Route 659 (Belmont Ridge Road) at light; continuing on Route 659 take RIGHT (E) onto Broadlands Boulevard at light.  Turn LEFT (N) into Education Court.

LCPS Enrollment and Achievement Reports

Statistics about enrollment, accreditation, federal accountability, and other standardized tests are available in the LCPS District Profile and School Profiles and the Virginia School Quality Profiles. Profiles are updated yearly for assessment and accountability data and daily or quarterly for demographic and enrollment data. 

District and School Profiles 

The district and school profiles contain current statistics for Loudoun County Public Schools related to enrollment, demographics, graduation, SOL pass rates, federal accountability and standardized test scores. The District Profile is accessible via the division home page under “Quick Links.” 

The profile opens with a view of the District data. Click on the tab for School Type to view reports that summarize the statistics by school level, such as elementary schools, middle schools, high schools. The School tab provides a dropdown list of schools to select for individual school level profiles. 

VDOE School Quality Profile

Virginia’s new School Quality Profiles provide information about student achievement, college and career readiness, program completion, school safety, teacher quality and other topics of interest to parents and the general public. Report cards are available for schools, school divisions and for the commonwealth. The SQPs provide one-year snapshots and three- or four-year trends in data up to the previous school year. The SQPs are updated yearly. 


If you are interested in three and four-year trends in student achievement or demographic information on a school or the division, please select the Virginia School Quality Profile.

If you are seeking up-to-date information on the student achievement and demographic information for a school or the division, please select the LCPS District Profile.

Both sites have an option to export data tables to Excel.

Division Organization Charts

Organization charts for the Superintendent’s office and each of LCPS’ nine departments are available for viewing and downloading through the links below.