Inclement Weather Information - Closing and Delays

When Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) experiences inclement weather conditions, the safety of our students and staff is the most important consideration.

Decision-Making Process

The LCPS Superintendent, or designee, will determine when schools and administrative offices observe a delayed opening, closing or early release in emergency situations, based upon the recommendation from the Chief Operations Officer.

The Chief Operations Officer will obtain information from the LCPS directors of Transportation and Facilities Services, as well as staff from the LCPS Division of Safety and Security, local utility companies and other appropriate sources, prior to making a recommendation for delayed opening, closing or early release of schools. A decision will be made as early as possible in order to ensure the safety of LCPS students and staff while providing timely notification to parents and staff.

How are school cancellations communicated?

Weather-related closing and delay messages are sent division-wide notifying parents that schools will be closed or operating on a delay due to inclement weather.*

Information will be posted on the LCPS website, and on the school division’s Facebook, X and Instagram feed (@LCPSOfficial).

Parents also may sign up for the Loudoun Alert 2.0 system offered by Loudoun Government. See additional information below.  

LCPS will continue to use the traditional methods of radio and TV in addition to our website, phone, email and social media capabilities. When conditions require school closings or early dismissal of students, announcements will be given to the following radio and TV stations:  

  • WTOP 103.5 FM/103.9 FM        

  • WRC TV 4

  • WTTG TV 5

  • WMAL 630 AM                       

  • WJLA TV 7

  • WTOP 1500 AM                        

  • WUSA TV 9

  • News Channel 8

hand drawn doodles representing various weather, including snow, rain, wind, lightening, and clouds. in LCPS brand colors

*Loudoun County Public Schools utilizes a mass notification messaging system to personally communicate with parents about weather-related cancellations and delays. Since the mass notification messaging system is also used to notify parents of emergency situations involving their student, parents cannot completely opt out of this system. 

The ParentVUE system allows parents to opt out of receiving weather-related alerts. If parents do not want to hear weather-related alerts, they should log into their ParentVUE account. For each child you have enrolled in the system, go to the student information portion of ParentVUE and click “edit information.”  Scroll down on the page until you reach Weather Opt Out and select “Yes.” Save your changes. 

Loudoun Alert 2.0

Register with Loudoun Alert 2.0 to receive up-to-the-minute information regarding school closings, delays, early dismissals and special circumstances via automatic email updates. Alert Loudoun system gives subscribers the ability to customize how they receive information – by text, email, cellphone and/or mobile app.

To register with Loudoun Alert, go to the website .

To unsubscribe, go to Loudoun Alert and log in using your email and password. On the devices page, use the edit/delete function to update your subscription.

Optional Resources for Snow Days

These resources and activities are completely optional for your student(s) and may be helpful for them on inclement weather days when being away from school disrupts learning. 

We understand and value the importance of snow days as a time for rest and rejuvenation for both students and teachers. We also know that extended closures can also disrupt the learning process and routines. By providing optional activities, are trying to balance these two priorities.