LCPS Policy 5350
In September 2021, the Loudoun County School Board adopted Policy 5350; a required component of House Bill 410.
POLICY: 5350
The purpose of screening is to assess the skills and identify the instructional needs of all students in a grade level or course. As a result, Loudoun County School Board has adopted a policy to ensure that parents and legal guardians are notified of screening and of any results that may potentially indicate that their student is at-risk of not meeting grade-level expectations.
LCPS shall provide timely written notification to the parents and legal guardians of any student who undergoes literacy and other academic screening and services.
LCPS shall also provide timely written notification to the parents and legal guardians of any student who does not meet the benchmark on any assessment used to determine at-risk learners in preschool through grade 12. Notification shall include all such assessment scores and subscores and any intervention plan that results from such assessment scores or subscores.
Adopted: 9/28/21
Leg. Ref: Code of Virginia § 22.1-215.2
LCPS identified the following assessments as screeners per Policy 5350:
VKRP: Kindergarten only
VALLSS: Grades K-2
PALS: Grade 3
MAP: Grades 2-12
Reading Inventory: Grades 9-12
The dates of test administration are set by each school; district windows can be found on Assessments By Grade Level.
After each test administration, scores from the screener are made available to parents/guardians in ParentVUE, in the Test History tab and score reports are provided in the Documents tab. Parents/guardians will be notified when the scores and reports are available.
Parents/guardians of students who do not meet one or more benchmarks from the administration of one or more screeners may receive an intervention plan, generally communicated via email, listing the intervention(s) recommended for the student. Intervention plans will be sent after the conclusion of all benchmark testing for the test window (fall, winter, and spring) and after test scores and reports are made available to parents. Questions can be directed to the student's teacher.
In most instances, parents/guardians will have already received information about their student's performance and/or individualized interventions prior to receipt of the intervention letter. LCPS is proactive in communicating student performance through correspondence and meetings between teachers and parents/guardians, beginning early in the school year.