
Students will explore the world of Art in the art room at Mill Run Elementary School. The art room is a place where all students can succeed. Students of different abilities and skills will enjoy a positive learning environment. Students will explore different mediums and styles of art. They will observe and use a variety of art techniques. Basic concepts of art will be incorporated in the students artwork. Through art, students will also explore cultures studied in the classroom. Students will be introduced to a variety of artists.

Tell me about art class…

 Students in grades K- 5 receive art once a week for 50 minutes.  Students will experience drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpting, assembling and imaging. They will be exposed to a variety of artists and styles of Art. Students will be encouraged to use problem solving skills, creativity and their imagination to create unique artwork. They will also experience creating art projects which reflect countries studied in the classroom.

Report Card Info

Assessment in Art

How is my child graded in art?
It is important to know and understand that everyone is an artist!

Below are the assessment descriptors and an explanation of the assessment you will find on your student's report card. 

The assessment descriptors on the report card are:
4-(E) Exceeds Standard
3-(M) Meets Standard
2-(P) Progressing to Standard
1-(B) Below Standard

Each art exploration involves a defined set of skills.  Individual assessments for each product are based on a rubric for the project; students are made aware of the individual expectations through classroom discussions.  The report card grade indicates a summary for all the skills taught within that quarter.

4 - (E) Exceeds Standard                                  

Your student consistently takes the lesson content and goes creatively further in their expression, independently.

  Student is demonstrating:

  • All Skills Independently

  • Levels of Risk-taking

  • Excellent Craftsmanship

  • High Level of Aesthetics (artistic judgement & choice)

  • Understanding & Implementation of Constructive Criticism (teacher, peer & self)

3 - (M) Meets Standard                                    

Your student is fulfilling the content requirements.

 Student is demonstrating:

  • Most Skills Independently

  • Good Craftsmanship

  • Knowledge of Aesthetics (artistic judgement & choice)

  • Acceptance of Constructive Criticism (teacher, peer or self)

2 - (P) Progressing to Standard                          

Your student is beginning to demonstrate the content requirements; the skill may be more difficult and require further practice.

  Student is demonstrating:

  • Skills with Significant Peer/Teacher Assistance

  • Developing Craftsmanship

  • Developing Knowledge of Aesthetics (artistic judgement & choice)

  • Developing Acceptance of Constructive Criticism (teacher, peer or self)

1 - (B) Below Standard                                    

Your student is not yet able to or refuses to demonstrate the lesson content without significant instructional support.

  Student is demonstrating:

  • Little to No Understanding of Skills

  • Little to No Concern of Craftsmanship

  • Little to No Knowledge of Aesthetics (artistic judgement & choice)

  • Little to No Acceptance of Constructive Criticism (teacher, peer or self)